Posted on by Matchetts Admin



We are located at the top of Wellington Place, just when you come around the corner from College Square on the right hand side of the road. Both of our stores are located beside each other. There is a loading bay directly outside, this can be used if you are picking up something large like a piano or a drumkit. You are allowed 10 minutes but the Wardens will move you on if you're not collecting. Please avoid parking here if you are visiting on one of the Sundays we are open, as Wardens do operate on Sundays and you will get a ticket. There are also several disabled spaces outside the stores as well.

The nearest multi story car park to us is  the new Value Car Park on the Grosvenor Road.

We are not too far away from Victoria Street train station or any of the city centre bus stops.

Check out Belfast's One's guide to traveling the City Centre for more information.




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